Sabtu, 17 Desember 2016

Week 10 - Your top recommendations for things to do in your town

 If told to recommend what there is in me, I would recommend sights that are in my district, that a Regency sekadau. because the Regency sekadau is very wonderful for me and fits for people outside my district to know will the beautiful sights.


  Tour the rock Stone Tour of Nuak is a recreation area open to the public located approximately 37 km from the capital of the Regency Sekadau, if we were heading to the site of the town of sekadau using four-wheeled vehicles to sub-district nanga garden leading directly to the monument CIDAYU (Chinese-Malay, Dayak) immediately turn left, from this place we can not use a four-wheeled vehicles but can only be traversed two-wheeled kuang more 20 minutes (7 km) and when we come across kampung Nuak , towards a location we have to pay the entrance ticket cost Rp 3,000/1 motor is approximately 10 minutes by motorbike we came to Rock Tour location Nuak .


merambang contained in the hamlet village of Tintin Boyok Belandong Sekadau Hulu subdistrict (random). Which is located approximately 20 km from the district capital Sekadau.Height of the waterfall is 80 meters, and has seven levels. According to local elders, this waterfall has its own story.In ancient times lived an old man, his name Temakau. He was very fond of menginang and menyugi tobacco. One day he was traveling from Natai Change headed to the park who happened nets crosses over the lake, chunks of wood were 
almost brittle with age that divides the lake that maketh as a bridge.

Shortly're sitting on the wooden Temakau menginang plan would break again. Betel nut splitting time on the catwalk, suddenly nut split in two and machete nancap in the wood, not the main surprise
Temakau see so much blood out of the woodwork earlier, after the timber was not observed being Temakau catwalk but behind the big snake.
Starting from the story, thundering sound merambang due to water retained by the curve of the snake in the lake, the water then falls due to release the snake and hit the rocks at the bottom.

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